
WindFire Designs

Original Photon

Buy these now! Finally this completed batch of custom painted WindFire Designs Photons is live and ready to order.

WindFire Designs - The WindFire Flame - Designed by Tim Elverston

WindFire Flame

Controlled with four lines, the Flame is crisp, sensitive, wildly efficient, and designed around a specific style of smooth, organic, light wind flying.

Mini Photon

A highly controllable single line kite — designed for flying in cities, neighborhoods, and difficult areas where surfing tiny wind currents is the only way to travel.

Mini Photon kite designed by Tim Elverston and painted by Ruth Whiting | WindFire Designs
Morhpo Gliders - designed by Tim Elverston

Morpho Glider

Light wind single lines with unmatched efficiency. Designed to cling to the slightest flow of air, they can also be set to glide with slack line. These majestic forms are often the last wings in the sky, and seem unconcerned when the wind has gone to sleep.

O2 Flame

A magical quadline kite. Simultaneously soft and precise. This uncoated porous silk form breathes, flexes, and floats with per-millimeter control in a huge wind range. So stable it will quiesce with its controls held in one hand, and fly as a single line.

O2 Flame by Tim Elverston - silk quadline kite carbon fiber stainless steel
Ruth Whiting with red Flowx silk kite by Tim Elverston at Anastasia Beach Florida


A single line that prefers to think of itself as an adaptive, social, air-dwelling species. They are delicate in appearance, sensual in motion, and robust throughout a tremendous range of conditions.


All content on the WindFire Designs domain is © 2000 — © ∞